

Submitting a Manuscript

To submit your manuscript, please visit us at ManuscriptCentral.

Lecce 2024 Proceedings

Submissions are due Dec. 31, 2024 at Please see below for author's instructions, references style, and more.

Waived OA fees?

Use our online tool to find out if you are eligible for an Open Access waiver or discount

Open Access waivers and discounts are available if your institution has an Open Access publishing agreement with Cambridge, such as a Read and Publish agreement.

2023 14C & Diet Conference

Submissions to the Radiocarbon and Diet conference proceedings are now due NOV. 13, 2023. See below for author's instructions.

CLARa2 Proceedings

Please submit your manuscript by Jan. 31, 2024, to

Non-OA publication fees are waived for papers based on talks or posters presented at the conference. 

See details at the bottom of this page.

Author's Instructions: applicable to all submissions


To submit your manuscript, please visit us at ManuscriptCentral.


The costs of publishing Open Access (OA) are typically met through an Article Processing Charge (APC) that is paid by the author or author’s funding body or institution. The Non-OA charge is USD 50 per printed page; the 2024 Gold OA charge is USD 2415, regardless of page count; printed color figures are USD 320 each; online color figures are free. This APC might be waived or discounted if:
  • Your institution has an Open Access publishing agreement with Cambridge, such as a Read and Publish agreement
Use this tool to find out if you are eligible for an Open Access waiver or discount.


Important: If you need to submit a page-charge waiver, please restrict your entire manuscript word count to 4500 words and figure count to 4 figures. The journal is self-funding and regrettably cannot afford to publish long articles for free. However, excess tables, figures, and appendices can be published as online-only supplemental materials at no charge.

Papers published as part of a conference proceedings will receive free page charges for non-OA publication (Green OA). Full OA (Gold OA) can be paid by the authors or via a Read and Publish agreement. Color figures are USD 320 plus applicable VAT. We cannot publish color figures for free in the print version, but they are always free in the online version.  


We prefer submissions in Word or rich text format (RTF). LaTeX files can also be accepted. Please add line numbers to your manuscript.

Radiocarbon now follows the Cambridge University Press Standard Template Style:

Template Article Title Head level 1 Head level 2 Head level 3 Head level 4
All Radiocarbon articles

Sentence case

Sentence case and bold Sentence case and bold italic Sentence case and italic Italic followed by full point and run on text

Please use the proper characters for en-dashes (–) and minus symbols (–); do not use a hyphen in number ranges or to indicate a negative number.  


In mid-2024 Radiocarbon switched to CambridgeA Reference Style for new submissions:

In-text citations:

  • Cite references in the text by author last name, followed by publication date, with no punctuation between the author name and the publication date: (Arden et al. 2000; Khan and Singh 2024; Xi et al. 1999).
  • For works with three or more authors, cite the first author’s name followed by “et al.” 
  • Order references alphabetically within strings by author, and chronologically when citing works by the same author. 
  • Use semicolons to separate works by different authors and commas to separate works by the same author: (Xi et al. 1999, 2007; Zhou 2000). 

Reference list example:

Chétima M (2019) You are where you build: Hierarchy, inequality, and equalitarianism in Mandara highland architecture. African Studies Review 62(3), 40–64.

Dalton-Carriger J (2016) New Perspectives on the Seventeenth-Century Protohistoric Period in East Tennessee: Redefining the Period through Glass Trade Bead and Ceramic Analyses. PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Eckersley R (2011) Representing nature. In Alonso S, Keane J and Merkel W (eds), The Future of Representative Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 236–257.

Kenny DA, Kashy DA and Cook WL (2006) Dyadic Data Analysis. New York: Guilford Press, 81–90.

Please see the following link for details and more examples:


Lecce 2024 Proceedings


Radiocarbon and the Environment 2024 Conference Proceedings Issue

Submissions: Manuscript submissions based on papers or posters presented at the conference are encouraged. Please submit your article here by Dec. 31, 2024. Contact Managing Editor Kim Elliott [kimelliott(at)] to request an extension. In the submission site, please select paper type "Conference" and special issue "2024 Lecce RE-IV Conference." In your submission's cover letter, be sure to mention that your paper is part of the Lecce conference proceedings.

Publication: Articles will be published online at Cambridge Core FirstView as soon as the final proof is accepted. Radiocarbon will publish the proceedings of the conference in the 2025 print & online subscription lineup.

Online access to the proceedings issue will be free of charge to conference attendees, and print copies will be available for sale. Details to come.

Formatting: Please follow Radiocarbon's author's instructions and formatting guidelines under the "Applicable to all submissions" menu above. We follow the Standard Cambridge template and CambridgeA reference style.


Word count: We expect a high submission count for this popular meeting. Therefore, conference papers should be kept to a relatively short length of ~4500–5000 words, with no more than 4 figures and 2 tables. Additional content may be published as supplemental online materials, which are permanently linked to the published article. 


Publication Fees and OA: Conference proceedings articles can be published in non-OA format (Green OA) at no charge to the authors.

Also, many authors may be eligible for free Open Access (Gold OA) publication via a Read and Publish Agreement between their institution and Cambridge University Press. Please check here to see if your institution has a Read and Publish Agreement. Note, the agreement is based on the corresponding author's institution at the time of submission.

Color figures in the print version are currently charged at USD 320 per figure, regardless of waiver status. Online color is always free of charge. 

Feel free to contact Managing Editor Kim Elliott [kimelliott(at)] with any questions.

Oxford 2023 Proceedings

A Note about the Proceedings

Any paper or poster presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd 14C and Diet Conference, University of Oxford, 20–23 June 2023 can be submitted for publication in the Proceedings. 

The Proceedings will be published in the journal Radiocarbon ( As with all articles in Radiocarbon, the Proceedings will be peer-reviewed. The published articles will also appear online via Radiocarbon’s Cambridge Core site (

Authors will not receive a free printed copy but can purchase one (subject to availability) through the journal’s publisher, Cambridge University Press (

The Proceedings should be published before the end of 2024. More details will be provided upon submission of a manuscript. Please contact Managing Editor Kimberley Elliott at or Editor in Chief Tim Jull at if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you.

Submitting Your Manuscript

Authors will submit their papers via Radiocarbon’s manuscript management site, The Author’s submission page features a pull-down list of article types. To ensure proper issue assignment, please select submission type “Conference Paper” and special issue "2023 14C & Diet Conference". If you cannot submit your manuscript by Sept. 1, 2023 please contact the Managing Editor to request an extension.

For style and formatting guidelines, please carefully follow the Instructions for Contributors:  See also

Formatting: Please follow Radiocarbon's author's instructions and formatting guidelines under the "Applicable to all submissions" menu above.


Proceedings articles will be published free of charge (non-OA) to participants, but due to the high number of submissions expected, length restrictions will apply to all submissions. Authors may choose to publish in OA format at their own cost or through a Read and Publish agreement.

Please limit your manuscript to 4500 words and 4 figures, which calculates to roughly 8 printed pages. To avoid excess pages, authors of longer papers are encouraged to submit some tables, figures, and/or data as free online supplemental material. 

CLARa2 2023 Proceedings

A Note about the Proceedings

Any paper or poster presented at the Proceedings of the Clara2 Conference, Mexico City, September 2023 can be submitted for publication in the Proceedings. 

The Proceedings will be published in the journal Radiocarbon ( As with all articles in Radiocarbon, the Proceedings will be peer-reviewed. The published articles will also appear online via Radiocarbon’s Cambridge Core site (

Authors will not receive a free printed copy but can purchase one (subject to availability) through the journal’s publisher, Cambridge University Press (

The Proceedings should be published before the end of 2024. More details will be provided upon submission of a manuscript. Please contact Managing Editor Kimberley Elliott at or Editor in Chief Tim Jull at if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you.

Submitting Your Manuscript

Authors will submit their papers via Radiocarbon’s manuscript management site, The Author’s submission page features a pull-down list of article types. To ensure proper issue assignment, please select submission type “Conference Paper” and special issue "2023 CLARa2 Conference". If you cannot submit your manuscript by Jan. 31, 2024 please contact the Managing Editor to request an extension.

For style and formatting guidelines, please carefully follow the Instructions for Contributors:  See also for issue-specific instructions.

Formatting: Please follow Radiocarbon's author's instructions and formatting guidelines under the "Applicable to all submissions" menu above.


Proceedings articles will be published free of charge (non-OA) to participants. Authors may choose to publish in OA format at their own cost or through a Read and Publish agreement. Use this tool to find out if you are eligible for an Open Access waiver or discount…. Color figures are always free in the online version, but there is a charge of USD 320 per figure for print color. Due to space considerations, please keep your submission relatively short: a maximum of ca. 5000 words, 2 tables, and 4 figures.