News & Publications
Upcoming Meetings
December 9–13
Washington, D.C.
AGU American Geophysical Union
27 April–2 May
Vienna, Austria & Online
EGU25: European Geosciences Union
CL5.1 Geochronological tools for environmental reconstruction
SC 4.4_Radiocarbon Dating Concepts and Practical Guide
Abstract submission deadline 15.1.2025
30 June–5 July
Krakow, Poland
25th International Radiocarbon Conference
Chaired by Marek Krąpiec of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Website:
2–4 September
Padova, Italy
7th Historic Mortars Conference
The call for abstracts will be open from October 15th, 2024, to March 15th, 2025. Website:
3–6 September
Belgrade, Serbia
EAA: European Association of Archaeologists
14–19 September
Kraków, Poland
8th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity. Website:
15–19 December
New Orleans, USA
AGU: American Geophysical Union
30 June–3 July
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
14C & Archaeology Conference
Hosted by LAC-UFF near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niteroi. Contact Prof. Kita Macario
6–10 July
Santiago, Chile
14C & Diet IV and CLARa3 Conferences
Immediately following the 14C & Archaeology conference, the 4th Radiocarbon & Diet Conference (6–8 July) will be combined with the 3rd Latin American Radiocarbon Conference (CLARa3, 8–10 July) and held at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago. Contact Kita Macario and Francisca Santana Sagredo
Past Meetings
October 20–26 | Guilin, China
AMS 16. The 16th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
September 22–29 | Lecce, Italy
RE-IV. The 4th International Radiocarbon in the Environment Conference will be hosted by Gianluca Quarta, Lucio Calcagnile, and team from the University of Salento in Lecce, southern Italy.
September 22–25 | Anaheim, CA, USA
GSA Connects.
August 30-September 2
EAA. Belfast. European Association of Archaeologists. Call for papers closes on 9 Feb. 2023.
September 4-8
CLARa 2. The 2nd Latin American Radiocarbon Conference, CLARa 2023, will be organized by the AMS Laboratory (LEMA) of the Institute of Physics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, in the mythical Historical Center of Mexico City. For a more complete list of sessions please visit: Any technical question related to CLARa2 should be directed to Proceedings submissions are due Nov. 3. For submission instructions go to
July 13-20
INQUA XXI. Rome. Hosted by Sapienza University of Rome and National Research Council (CNR). Main theme: a Mediterranean Perspective on Quaternary Sciences. Venue: Sapienza University main campus (Città Universitaria), Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome, Italy.
May 17-19
MACh-14. Gliwice, Poland. 14th International Conference “Methods of Absolute Chronology” organized by Division of Geochronology and Environmental Isotopes, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology. Registration open at
May 22-26
ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop. Trieste, Italy. . AMS 14C dating is especially useful for determining the age of objects and their chronology over the past 55k years. This technique is routinely used for dating of both cultural and natural heritage materials and is successfully applied in forensic sciences. This workshop will provide an advanced training and information exchange platform for both young and experienced scientists, archaeologists, curators, forensic experts/law-enforcement actors, and policy makers. Apply by 15 March 2023.
June 20-23
14C and Diet III. The 3rd Radiocarbon & Diet Conference will be held in Oxford, UK. The major focus of this workshop will be on aspects of past dietary adaptations of prehistoric human groups and the application of radiocarbon, coupled with stable isotopes that gives insight into past diet.
September 10-16
24th Radiocarbon *and* 10th 14C & Archaeology. On Twitter: @radiocarbon_24. The 10th Radiocarbon and Archeaology Conference and 24th International Radiocarbon Conference will be held jointly in Zurich, Switzerland. Organized by ETH Zurich and Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. The deadline for submitting abstracts is extended to June 12, 2022. Please submit abstract(s) at
December 12-16
AGU 2022. Chicago, IL, USA.
Recent Publications